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Value Chain Assessment

Improve Efficiency With Value Chain Expertise

Ease Your S/w Life Cycle With Value Identification

Technology advancements have made tasks easier for companies, enabling them to deliver more value quickly. This allowed them to design, build, and develop models and react to the changing demands faster than before, thus having more time- to market.

However, the entire process often incurs costs, resulting in a competitive advantage for any organization. This is where you need a ‘Value Chain Assessment.’

How Does Value Chain Assessment Help?

Value Chain Assessment is critical to the success of any firm, with the process extending across all stages of the software life cycle. It is typically a process to analyze the value delivered to achieve optimized delivery with reduced costs.

A clear-cut understanding of value-chain means understanding the company’s financials, consumer and supply base, processes, and organizational strategies. This needs to be looked upon in a multi-angle perspective.

A perfect value chain assessment helps you identify the critical path and gives you a complete assessment of your organization’s delivery mechanism!

How Does Value Chain Assessment Help?
Veritis Value Chain Assessment

Veritis Value Chain Assessment

Veritis has a wide range of offerings, with Value Chain Assessment being one of the firm’s Technology Advisory Consulting services. Veritis follows a different approach in delivering its Value Chain Assessment services.

We first analyze the internal activities of your business and identify critical areas of focus to cut down costs and bring out the potential value offerings in your process chain that make the difference. We shall identify areas and activities that respond positively to the change to improve your overall profitability and efficiency.

Veritis Value Chain Assessment Reviews

  • The status of the business
  • Business partners
  • Value stream analysis
  • Possible and potential risks
  • Non-value-adding elements
  • Scalability of supply chain
  • Evaluate changes and plan of action
  • KPIs: Baseline, standards, and goals

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