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4 Core Principles For A ‘Perfect Business Continuity Plan’

Perfect Business Continuity Plan

The COVID-19 crisis has put businesses at high risk, causing a sudden disruption in operations globally.

After a continued lockdown, the companies are preparing to resume their organizational activities.

In this transition process, Business Continuity and the need for an employee-focused, client-focused approach are drawing due attention everywhere and from everyone in the business environment.

Here, we take this opportunity to share the methods we adopted to keep our business running while being empathetic towards our esteemed clients and beloved employees.

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To Keep The Business Running…

Business Continuity Plan

We cater to the majority of client requirements remotely. This gives us leverage to serve our clients seamlessly, irrespective of dynamic market scenarios. During this COVID-19 crisis, we could swiftly adopt a remote work culture to deliver our services at the same speed, with security as the top consideration. We are following all necessary health safety guidelines to ensure the safety of our employees.

We could successfully deliver the desired results even during the COVID-19 crisis. Our Business Continuity Plan (BCP) has also helped us achieve this rare feat in the US!

Our Business Continuity Plan comprised of 4 core principles:

1) High Responsiveness and Minimal Disruption

High Responsiveness and Minimal Disruption

  • Assessed our business capabilities in line with our group BCP to avoid any impact on our service delivery
  • Implemented additional measures to ensure a seamless flow of work functions and project delivery teams
  • We always had ‘Plan B’ in the form of external supplier backups as part of preparations for unexpected downturns in services or workforce
  • We worked with clients more closely for a better understanding of their changing demands and business requirements
  • We ensured every piece of communication happening in remote method meets cybersecurity standards
  • We took necessary measures to mitigate the risk of supplier service discontinuity in unexpected cases

2) Employee Safety

Employee Safety

  • The first step in this direction is remote working
  • Hygiene and health precautions in place to ensure safety in case of physical presence
  • Strictly follow self-quarantine measures as recommended by governments
  • Regular communication with employees on global health and safety guidelines
  • Canceled all major events, gatherings, business travels, and more

3) Preparations for Future Market Demands

Preparations for Future Market Demands

  • Under learning and development initiatives, we are facilitating e-learning initiatives for our staff at the home
  • Our internal R&D efforts are unaffected by the crisis and on remotely, paving the way for future initiatives
  • Our internal teams are also actively undertaking response activities to support ad-hoc requirements

4) Communication and Engagement

Communication and Engagement

  • Regular communication and engagement with the employees, often including management
  • Keeping staff informed about crucial updates
  • Rolling out continuity measures to ensure seamless workflow

On an EndNote

These core principles helped us achieve business continuity, including through business restructuring services, even during the COVID-19 crisis, keeping our core business running and operating at the same pace.

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