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MongoDB Vs RDBMS: Comparing the Big 2 Database Services

MongoDB Vs RDBMS: Comparing the Big 2 Database Services

Digital transformation is revamping every industry, and most organizations are doing their best to deliver their clients beyond everyone’s expectations. However, the journey of digital transformation is not easy.

In the digital world, there are no barriers to data, and it is tough to manage the enormous amount of data floating around. Managing a large volume of data generated on the database can be challenging for firms. This is where database platforms like MongoDB come into play.

According to the Stack Overflow Developers survey, Mongo DB was the most favored database for developers in the last four years. Another report from 3T Software Labs states that MongoDB users tried at least two different technologies, either relational or non-relational, on average in 2017. In contrast, in 2020, it changed over three per average user.

Echoing similar sentiments for RDBMS, Gartner revealed that more than 50 percent of commercial existing proprietary RDBMS instances would be planning to convert in 2022. According to a separate analysis by Dell, 78 percent of users reported operating data on the RDBMS, and approximately 70 percent of respondents are running more than 100 databases in MongoDB.

Selecting the right solution for your organization can be challenging, as multiple database solutions are currently available. MongoDB and RDBMS are among the most established leading names in the database platform. Both are in their own space, but which database best suits your application? Our Veritis team will guide you in deciding the right database for your projects.

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Before digging deep into the significant differences, we will introduce you to MongoDB and RDBMS.



Developed by 10gen in 2007, the term MongoDB was coined by Kevin Ryan, Eliot Horowitz, and Dwight Merriman. MongoDB is a robust document-oriented database designed for ease of application, scaling, and development that supports JSON-like documents and collections. It has witnessed exponential growth in the market and is the world’s fifth most popular database.

MongoDB is also known as a non-SQL (NoSQL) database. It stores data in the document format model without tables, schemas, rows, and columns. Even with heavy data loads, the document-oriented database is designed to be fast, scalable, and flexible.

Database management offers efficiency, reliability, and strong security. MongoDB supports various programming languages, including C++, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Scala, Ruby, and more to the list and operating systems like Linux, Windows, and macOS.

MongoDB is a backend data store for highly reputed companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google, IBM, Forbes, Citrix, T-Mobile, Zendesk, Sony, HTC, and many more. Some websites that use MongoDB are The New York Times, eBay, SourceForge, Craigslist, etc. According to reports by Siftery, 4,000+ organizations are using the NoSQL database for their projects.

NoSQL database challenger MongoDB is highly popular in the developer community. It has 800 million monthly active users, handles 3 billion daily requests from the application, and has more than 6.5 million downloads.

Developers widely prefer MongoDB because of its ability to scale and handle projects of all sizes, making it an ideal choice for companies worldwide. From large banking systems to weekend-long hackathon projects, MongoDB’s non-relational database architecture is a versatile solution for organizations across industries.

Thanks to its seamless integration with major cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, MongoDB is now deployed in over 80 regions globally, providing businesses with robust and scalable cloud solutions for managing their data efficiently.

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RDBMS was first defined by Edgar F. Codd in 1970, and it is one of the most reliable database service platforms used worldwide. A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a regular type of database that stores and provides access to data in a tabular format, such as rows and columns. RDBMS uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to access the database.

Modern database systems like IBM DB2, ORACLE, Microsoft Access, SQL, My-SQL, and MS SQL servers are all established based on the principles of RDBMS. The most widely used cloud-based databases are – SQL Azure, Google Cloud SQL, IBM Db2 on Cloud, Oracle Cloud, and AWS Relational Database Service.

The relational database includes functions like data accuracy, integrity, security, and consistency. It is totally different when file storage is used in a DBMS. RDBMS offers users data accuracy, easy access to data, data integrity, flexibility, and high security.

It acts as an interface between databases, users, and applications and manages administrative functions for access, performance, and data storage. RDBMS permits users to create, read, update, and delete operations that can be performed with advanced, consistent data treatment.

RDBMS usually provides metadata collections and data dictionaries to handle data. Structured Query Language (SQL) is most commonly used by RDBMS to perform data-interacting tasks like creating a table and inserting data, modifying and updating data, filtering and querying data, and deleting tables or data.

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Comparison Between MongoDB and RDBMS

Data StorageStores data in a document-based with no rows and columnsStores data in a row-based table structure with fixed rows and columns
HistoryDeveloped in 2007Developed in 1970
Hierarchical It has inbuilt support for hierarchical data storageIt doesn’t fit hierarchical data storage
Query LanguageDatabase vendor MongoDB supports BSON query languageDatabase vendor RDBMS supports SQL query language
SchemaIt has a schema-less database because it doesn’t need a pre-defined concept of relationship.It usually follows the schema structure
SecurityIt provides security to the databaseIt provides robust security to the database
Foreign KeyIt doesn’t work with the concept of primary key -foreign key relationshipIt supports foreign key
ScalabilityMongoDB databases are horizontally scalableRelational databases are vertically scalable
PrincipleIt follows ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) properties.It follows the CAP approach (Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance)
PerformanceRDBMS performs slowly for bulk data when compared with NoSQL databaseMongoDB performs 100 times quicker than the traditional database
JoinsNo complex joins are used in the databaseIt requires complex joins
TriggerTriggers are not supported in NoSQLTriggers are supported in a relational database
JavaScriptMongoDB allows JavaScript client to queryRDBMS is not suggested to access databases for JavaScript clients

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MongoDB is the modern leading data platform. It has more than 18k clients around 100 nations and more than 110 million downloaders. IT developers mostly prefer MongoDB as it is the most deployed NoSQL distribution.

A relational database suits enterprises that deal with structured and relational data. An SQL database is great for websites that generate high traffic for their applications. It offers quick processing, specialized web functions, data insertions, and robust reality.

I hope this blog post provided you with sufficient information on MongoDB and RDBMS databases. Ultimately, you must decide what best suits your organization.

With multiple database options available in the current market, picking the best one is an arduous task. This is where Veritis comes in. Veritis is an IT consulting services provider partnering with Fortune 500 firms for over a decade. We value every client through their demands, and our only motive is to offer the best solution for customers with world-class experiences and cost-effective solutions.

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