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A Guide to APIOps, the Collaborative Approach for API Production

A Guide to APIOps, the Collaborative Approach for API Production

The cloud and IT landscape has undergone significant transformations in recent years. In the early days of cloud adoption, IT industries experimented with various methodologies, from Waterfall to Agile. While these approaches delivered results, innovators continuously refined and enhanced existing methodologies to better align with the evolving demands of cloud solutions and modern technology.

Agile was progressively improved to pave the way for DevOps. While the world continues to embrace the latter, iterative developments in DevOps, such as GitOps and other approaches, have occurred.

However, they are not enough to address every technological requirement. In this blog, we shall explore one of the technological impediments that a new approach has addressed.

APIOps, a combination of DevOps and GitOps, is a methodology that allows users to achieve high-quality results in the Application Programming Interface (API) lifecycle. Similar to DevOps, the project members easily develop and deploy their iterative updates, which can be automated. This semblance and combination of DevOps and GitOps may make one wonder how they differ.

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Let’s dive in and explore why APIOps may be the next big thing for your company.

Introducing APIOps

Introducing APIOps

API has been integral to our lifestyle over the past two decades. The API is code components that allow the data flow between different systems in simpler terms. With seamless data transmission, applications and databases are better interconnected in multiple ways.

Given the spike in demand for IT solutions after COVID-19, API service demand has increased exponentially. From developing new tools to endowing users with new experiences, developers across the globe have gone into an overdrive to develop and deploy services faster than ever before. To complicate matters, we are all at a juncture where one can’t afford to err.

An API should tick off certain checkboxes: security, compliance, accessibility, and robustness. In a day when hacks and data espionage incidents are marring the IT landscape, security is a key aspect that no one can compromise on.

Secondly, the API design should be overcomplicated and locked away from everyone so no one can access it. A well-designed API would be discoverable and accessible to people authorized to access it. Lastly, it should withstand heavy loads and heavy usage. No one likes an unreliable utility.

While we can argue that an API can still be deployed with any one of these qualities being met, one should acknowledge the risks lurking and appreciate the potentiality that their competition will eventually overshadow them. Amid these concerns, delivery time got elongated as quality took priority. As time is relevant to all, APIOps was developed to ensure organizations could deliver robust solutions without much delay.

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Understanding APIOps

GitOps is a practice that Git developers use to produce better results when developing using Git. While it adopts the principles and core practices of DevOps, it focuses primarily on bettering the productivity of Git programmers. APIOps is quite similar, as it adopts the idea of GitOps and the core practices of DevOps.

To harness the benefits of APIOps, one has to specify the APIs early on. This approach is called ‘API First,’ where the developers must define the service interface and implementation logic. Typically, DevOps members initiate this process with API progression and open API execution, where the framework is defined. In a nutshell, it is a set of instructions that chalks out the lifespan of API service. The security policies and data management rules are incorporated at this stage to ensure the endpoints.

APIOps stunts the delivery time by providing automation and self-serve access to every project member. With automation tools incorporated at every step, API quality is ensured without spending much time. Additionally, consistency is established with increased usage of APIOps.

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APIOps follows five steps: Design, Build, Deploy, Publish, and Operate. Let’s delve deeper into what they are:

APIOps - Design, Build, Deploy, Publish, and Operate


Before development, the first step requires a concrete list of the API specs and the creation of a test suite in the API design tool. Next, the tool should support the governing tests based on the specifications and generate the required iteration. The iteration is then sent to a version control system, where it is subjected to the first automation checkpoint and checked for governing compliance.


One of the advantages of API development is that one can use any tool and build it in any programming suite. After the initial development is finished, the code will be subjected to testing. Thankfully, APIOps automatically triggers the testing once the code is checked in the version control. This testing includes unit-wise testing, and only after the testing evokes satisfactory results will the APIOps proceed to the next step.


A declarative configuration file is created automatically after positive testing results. The file will be based on the APIs design from the pipeline. As these files are stored in the version control system, tracking and rolling back should the user feel so.

The declarative configuration file will enable the deployment of API to an API gateway by creating or updating the gateway’s endpoints. The gateway automatically applies the security and governing policies created at the first stage.


After completing all the prior steps, an API is published to the consumers. In APIOps, almost everything in this step is automated. From API registration to self-serve access, most of it doesn’t require human intervention.

Due to the extreme automation, API development and deployment are relatively easy. Due to the stunted requirement for human intervention, the publishing process is one of the favorite steps for any project member, as consistency and accuracy are guaranteed.


The operation step consists of managing after publication. Based on demand, the users can decide whether to scale the API vertically or horizontally. The API can be updated without jumping through many hoops. Should the demand fizzle out or for any other reason, the API can be retired without breaking a sweat.

One ought to understand that the declarative configuration file holds the key to easing these mundane operations throughout the API lifecycle. The file also allows users to configure the API to sustain peak usage and be scalability compatible.

Capping off APIOps

APIOps is one solution that has emerged after COVID-19. The demand for quality solutions has spiked exponentially, and companies are increasingly seeking methodologies and tools to boost productivity to the required levels.

While this blog addressed what APIOps and its practices, there is a lot to it than meets the eye. From the tools for OpenAPI implementation, there are various steps involved. Whether a novice or a Fortune 500 company, they rely on Veritis to oversee various production processes. From DevOps to APIOps, we have enough expertise to dole out customized solutions.

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