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Accelerate Business Growth with AWS Cloud Migration

Accelerate Business Growth with AWS Cloud Migration

AWS Cloud Migration Services

In an age of advanced technology, cut-throat competition, and quick success, companies are looking for solutions that will be omnipotent in maintaining their existence.

And in that sense, technologies such as the ‘cloud’ do just the things we want and which we cannot describe verbally. How?

This unique technology can serve multiple business goals with advantages and services.

Your business may be driven by the need for:

  • Increased productivity
  • A consolidated and reliant data center
  • The flexibility to unify work elements and business operations after a merger or acquisition
  • Enhancing infrastructure capacity
  • Cutting down on operational costs and hardware
  • Increasing existing business operations TAT and much more..

But while there are many providers, how do you decide which one to approach? And how will you know which ones move and operate how you want them to?

World tech giants are ever-ready with their fine-tuned cloud solutions to meet your needs, business size, and operations reach.

One such active service is Amazon Web Services, fondly known as AWS!

Proven Business Value of Migrating to AWS

Source: AWS

Migrating to an AWS Cloud, with more than 90 services, including computing, data analytics, storage, databases, continuous integration, and artificial intelligence, has written many businesses’ success stories.

But before understanding the AWS Cloud Migration, let’s understand how companies using the cloud are driven to cloud adoption.

Useful link: Successful Digital Transformation: CEO’s Path to Digital Transformation Success

AWS Cloud Migration Process

Phased Strategy for AWS Migration Steps

Large enterprises are choosing cloud migration as a business transformation drive in an emerging trend. The common migration pattern encompasses five phases:

Phase 1: Creating the Migration Blueprint Along with the Business Framework

In this phase, users need to outline clear-cut business objectives and analyze the types of benefits that they will receive. This begins with creating some starter experience and designing a project for migration. The process also entails considering existing infrastructure and applications with their limitations.

Phase 2: Constructing a Migration Plan Upon Understanding of Interrelation Between Apps

Users need to understand how their IT framework works and how their apps are interconnected and decide on a migration strategy accordingly to meet each business case. Considering the above and building a migration plan accordingly puts users in a better position throughout the migration process.

Phase 3 & 4: Application-wise Designing, Migration and Validating Application

While it is important to understand your entire IT portfolio, it is also important to focus on individual applications. Users need to design, migrate, and validate each application. AWS designs migrate and validates each application according to AWS’s six common application strategies. Once users are sure of migrating a few applications critical to business and have a compact migration plan, they can kickstart the migration process and scale their cloud operations.

Phase 5: Cloud Operations

Once the applications have been migrated to the cloud, users can conduct regular business operations on a new foundation and incorporate innovation into the operating model. As they scale business operations on the cloud, users work with a constantly evolving operating model.

Useful link: AWS vs Azure vs GCP: Cloud Cost Comparison

AWS Cloud Migration Tools and Services

AWS Cloud Migration Tools and Services

Every technology’s successful implementation and incorporation depends on the tools used, and AWS has a suite of proven tools tailored to get the migration process done just right!

Discovery and Migration Process Tracking

  • AWS Migration Hub –  The AWS Migration Hub provides users with a centralized dashboard to track the application migration process. It also allows users to choose the best fitting tools based on their migration needs and lets them read into the status of app portfolio migration using key metrics. Users can also know individual app progress no matter which tool is used.
  • AWS Application Discovery Service –This specialized service helps users plan migration projects based on information gathered from on-premise data centers. It presents users with server configuration, behavior, and usage to better understand workloads.

Server and Database Migration

  • AWS Server Migration Service – Also known as AWS SMS, this service eases and speeds the migration process by migrating thousands of on-premise workloads to AWS. It allows users to automate, schedule, and track incremental replications of live server volumes.
  • AWS Database Migration Service –This service allows users to migrate data to and from the most widely used commercial and open-source databases. The source database continues to be fully operational during the migration process, minimizing downtimes.
  • VMWare Cloud on AWS – VMWare Cloud on AWS helps customers run VMWare workloads on the AWS Cloud. VMware virtualization and management software will seamlessly deploy and manage VMWare workloads across all their on-premises and AWS environments.

Data Migration

  • Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration –This service speeds up internet transfers to Amazon S3. Users can maximize their available bandwidth regardless of distance or varying internet conditions.
  • AWS Snowball – This petabyte-scale data transport solution employs secure appliances to transfer large volumes of data to and from AWS.
  • AWS Snowmobile –This service transfers large volumes of data to AWS, up to 100PB, including video libraries, image repositories, and a complete data center migration.
  • AWS Direct Connect – This service allows users to establish a direct network connection between a corporate network and an AWS direct connect location. With the support of standard 802.1q VLANs, the connection can be divided into multiple virtual interfaces. Users can use the same connection to access public and private resources while maintaining a partition between both environments.
  • Amazon Kinesis – Firehose is a fully managed service that enables easy loading of streamed data into AWS. It captures and automatically loads streaming data into Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift, providing near real-time analytics with existing business intelligence tools and dashboards.

Useful link: Which Cloud has Better Private Connectivity: AWS or Azure or GCP?

Major Strategies for AWS Migration

Global Coud Infra Spending 2018 ASW

There are two major strategies for AWS migration that can be implemented to set up an ideal AWS Cloud platform and facilitate your business’s required transformation without disrupting the current workflow.

1) Forklift Migration Strategy

The forklift migration strategy follows a ‘pick up the existing system and drop it into AWS’ approach rather than moving parts of the system over time. This strategy is ideal for stateless, self-contained, or tightly coupled applications.


  • This approach helps you to migrate an existing application into the Cloud with minimal code changes.
  • It requires minimal planning and low effort.
  • This approach offers you the feasibility of focusing on your core and primary resources.


  • It may not leverage the elasticity and scalability of the cloud to the fullest.

 2) Hybrid Migration Strategy

A hybrid migration strategy involves moving parts of a system to the cloud rather than the whole system. This strategy is suitable for large systems with multiple applications.


  • This approach curtails the risk of unprecedented errors after migration.
  • In this strategy, you can integrate Cloud based applications with Cloud-incompatible applications.
  • Parts of the application can be moved and optimized one at a time.


  • This strategy is a time-consuming approach

Useful link: AWS Vs Azure Vs GCP – The Cloud Platform of Your Choice?

Challenges Encountered in AWS Migration

Challenges Encountered in AWS Migration

Successful migration to an AWS Cloud brings you many notable benefits. However, the migration process may anchor you with various challenges. These challenges may incur additional costs and impede the workflow. Therefore, it is inevitable to analyze the business needs and foresee the challenges beforehand.

Some of the key challenges faced by companies while implementing AWS migration:

1) Identifying key business goals: The enterprise’s key challenge is evaluating the key functionalities and processes to be focused on during the migration process. IT firms are compelled to scrutinize cloud applications constantly to ensure their effectiveness and ROI.

 2) Understanding new technology: Enterprises’ adaptability directly influences the successful migration to the AWS platform. Organizations should thoroughly understand the technical aspects of the AWS cloud and demonstrate this to the concerned team.

 3) Data safety and security: The fear of losing confidential data and security breaches is the prime impetus to compel companies to keep their data on local servers.

 4) Recognizing the overall cost: Many IT firms fail to estimate accurately. So, analyzing whether the migration benefited the company from an economic perspective is difficult. Moreover, the cloud platforms are dynamic, and costs can fluctuate rapidly as you make changes.

Apart from the challenges mentioned above in AWS migration, some factors significantly influence the successful AWS migration.

Factors Impacting a Successful Migration:

  • The complexity level of the applications to be migrated
  • Compatibility of the applications
  • Capability of the enterprise – to how much extent they can put their efforts into migration

AWS Cloud migration and management requires intelligent planning and sound expertise. Hence, it is imperative to take help from AWS migration experts and benefit from fully managed AWS hosting.

Useful link: Successful Digital Transformation: CEO’s Path to Digital Transformation Success

Benefits of AWS Cloud Migration

Benefits of AWS Cloud Migration

  • Improved Business Workflows
  • Enhanced Security
  • Effective Cost Optimization
  • Scalability
  • Flexibility
  • Access to Innovation
  • Business Continuity

AWS vs Azure vs GCP – A Breakdown of Cloud Migration Services

Comparison of AWS Vs Azure Vs GCP

Veritis – A Reliable Cloud Migration Consulting Partner

Veritis comprises AWS experts who provide fully managed AWS hosting for your growing business needs. Our subject matter experts will provide support 24/7 by monitoring your infrastructure, analyzing problems, and debugging issues quickly.

AWS Services

Moreover, Veritis will provide complete infrastructure management consulting services, including full monitoring, problem resolution, and daily maintenance. Time is too precious, so get in touch right away.

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