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3 Factors That Decide Organizational Readiness to DevOps Adoption

Readiness to DevOps Adoption

Assessment of readiness is essential to any process and is as crucial as implementing the process altogether.

The above statement makes a lot of difference in the IT industry, where a slight change in the existing process or a new implementation can impact the organization.

Thanks to the ever-changing technology trends making a change is the most common factor!

While many solutions can achieve technology transformation, only some can also bring about cultural transformation, which is key to the successful adoption of any change.

DevOps proved this possible with its culture-driven approach!

There has been a buzz around DevOps adoption in the last few years, and the level of DevOps implementation has increased with the growing demand for digital transformation.

While some firms are considering implementing DevOps in the near future, some have already included that part of their future plans, and some have already begun their run for immediate implementation.

Whatever the scenario, DevOps is gaining traction! However, judging its implementation and creating a suitable environment for successful adoption continue to be challenging factors.

[READ ALSO: DevOps ROI Calculator]

3 Factors that decide your readiness to DevOps adoption:

1) Culture

DevOps Adoption

First and foremost, the Culture! As discussed above, culture is essential for adopting any change and DevOps. DevOps adoption means a change in philosophy, tools, and processes and an overall shift in organizational mindset. Communication, collaboration, and coordination are part of the DevOps success.

This involves a detailed brainstorming session on the software process, the teams involved, quality, and operations as a whole, along with ways to align these processes.

If you are used to traditional IT models built on a siloed approach, then this factor could be a severe challenge for you to work out for successful DevOps adoption!

2) Streamlining Structure

DevOps Success is Streamlining Structure

Next to culture, the key to DevOps success is Streamlining Structure, which means proper alignment across the process chain. DevOps performance completely relies on how software is architected, tested, built, and deployed.

Complex dependencies within the software architecture you plan are one of the leading causes of DevOps failure. The ability to contribute independently and stay perfectly aligned with the organization’s business objectives are crucial in deciding DevOps success!

3) A Perfect Roadmap Driven by Self-assessment

DevOps Roadmap

A well-defined roadmap is very important for success in any process. Same in DevOps. But preparing a successful DevOps roadmap demands self-assessment of some important factors:

  • Adaptability to Change: If you are happy with your existing process but not adaptable to new changes, then bringing in DevOps can be a challenging task, as the DevOps process demands an all-around transformation.
  • Run for Competition: Are you in a race for immediate success? Then DevOps might be the wrong option for you, as it only achieves gradual progress after a detailed understanding of all your internal limitations, strengths, and organizational goals. As said, DevOps isn’t just a software process; it’s more of a collective mindset built on culture!
  • Department Portfolio: Are you looking at DevOps as another new department in your organization? Then you might be going wrong! Rather than a separate department, DevOps is a bridge connecting your internal teams on a single agenda. That’s why it’s called a transformative approach rather than a department.
  • Leadership: If your organization is heavily dependent on a leadership-based approach, then you might reconsider going for DevOps. DevOps considers every individual contributor a leader. So, firms with heavily distributed Dev and Ops teams might find it difficult to bring them together without leadership.

Considering all the factors mentioned above, DevOps can be defined as the culture-driven approach striving for a collaborative environment.

Worried about your readiness for DevOps adoption? No need; we can guide you in the process of a full-fledged DevOps implementation, irrespective of the industry (retail, finance, government, and more) you belong to and the size you operate in.

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