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How DevOps Impacts IT Business in Real Time?

How DevOps Impacts IT Businesses in Real Time

Changing consumer preferences and the demand for early product release have changed the IT business landscape.

Eventually, the focus started shifting to innovation alongside frequent releases to stay ahead in the market competition.

This movement led to the emergence of the new style of IT functioning called DevOps, where software teams are no more siloed.

DevOps, as a cultural bridge between the Development and Operations teams, brought a new pace across the entire software process chain, unifying different teams on a single agenda of early product development with quality.

Here are some interesting aspects that show ‘how DevOps impacts IT business in the real-time’:

DevOps Impacts IT Businesses in Real Time

1) Market Forecast

The global DevOps market is expected to reach a market value of USD 9.41 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 18.7% during the forecast period (2017-23). The demand growth for DevOps services globally is majorly attributed to the growing demand for fast application delivery with high quality.

The DevOps Platform market is expected to witness a CAGR of 20% during the 2018-22 period.

2) DevOps Adoption

There has been a wide range of DevOps adoption in recent years. 2017 saw around 50 percent of DevOps implementations and was titled as the ‘Year of DevOps’. Considering the adoption trend during the year, Forrester reported that DevOps has reached ‘Escape Velocity’.

Continuing the trend, 50 percent of organizations have reported successful DevOps implementation as of 2018. Rise in cloud adoption through Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), increasing demand for automated software among SMEs and minimized downtime in the ware development life cycle have contributed to the DevOps adoption.

42 percent of organizations report strong DevOps culture across multiple teams within a department.

3) Increased Lead Time

Organizations with successful DevOps implementations report increased lead time for changes, compared to non-DevOps organizations.

Effective DevOps practices can give 440x times better lead time for changes compared to traditional practices.

4) Deployment Frequency

Firms with successful DevOps practices report 200x times more deployment frequency compared to those without DevOps. A perfect DevOps strategy creates scope for rapid implementation of new processes, systems, and applications.

The secret behind faster deployment lies in the collaboration that the DevOps environment facilitates among different teams.

5) Quality of Code and Automated Pipelines

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) cycles form the core aspects of DevOps success. CI ensures the quality of code through continuous testing, reviewing and running automated test cases, with the sole purpose of identifying bugs in the integration phase.

CI creates scope for enhancement of code quality while generating failure/success reports in real time. Then the CD takes care of deployment and release processes to make sure the code is released securely and at any point of anytime.

The process of Continuous Deployment involves high-level automation of builds as and when code undergoes a significant change.

6) Faster Software Builds

Deployments in continuous cycles naturally leads to faster software builds and quicker results. Continuous cycles and consistent reviews help track progress, provide real-time feedbacks, fix issues fast along the process chain and bring in expected results in line with end-user expectations.

7) Minimized Downtime

Firms with successful DevOps implementation report 24x times more frequency in achieving ‘faster recovery from failure and minimized downtime’ compared to non-DevOps firms.

8) Enhanced Time to Market

Continuous integration and deployment cycles naturally shows a positive impact on time to market. Resultant, you will be able to reach your customers on time, keep up with the changing market trends and focus on further innovation ahead of the market, user demands.

All this mean a rise in RoI, the single goal of making business!


There are many such ways that an effective DevOps process can add value to your business. Looking for assistance?

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