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Top 5 Reasons for Cloud Migration Failure!

Top 5 Reasons for Cloud Migration Failure!

Executing cloud migration is a daunting task. When an organization decides to embark on the cloud journey, they are often migrating for the first time. Typically, the organization doesn’t have past learnings to forge a strategy tailored to its specific business landscape to follow.

Though cloud migration processes are standardized now, the organization’s business portfolio and internal processes vary widely. Failing to consider a holistic approach to the cloud could result in costly mistakes.

While each organization’s migration challenges are different, we’ve shared a few common ways in which cloud adaption can go astray:

5 Common Cloud Migration Pitfalls to Avoid

5 Common Cloud Migration Pitfalls to Avoid

1) Lax Executive Buy-in

Typically, in most organizations, the cloud is initiated by CIO or CTO, while other C-suite executives fail to fully grasp its value or implications. This leads to a lack of executive buy-in and support for strategic cloud migration. For instance, if a specific cloud project is successfully completed, the C-suite executives may falsely assume that the organization is now fully cloud-ready. When the organization discovers that inadequate cloud foundations have been laid, it leads to huge frustration between IT and business and ultimately bogging down cloud migration.

Cloud initiators must consider IT, business, and legal factors to make all executive members comprehend the complexity of cloud migration. This aligns the whole management towards a unified vision and strategy.

2) Talent Sparsity

Talent crunch is perhaps the most significant issue with migration. Most organizations assume that existing expertise is sufficient to achieve cloud adoption. However, the existing IT staffers often lack clarity about the cloud. Indeed, they may be cognizant of computing and storage, but the cloud requires holistic thinking about how the cloud models are designed, implemented, and operated.

A skill gap assessment is imperative to know what skills are on hand and skills required for cloud migration. When you weigh your as-is state against the to-be state, the details reflect the crunch. Draft a plan to bridge the talent gap. It is wise to loop in cloud consulting service providers like Veritis to help you realize the to-be state.

3) Lack of Clear Objectives

Before even initiating the cloud migration plan, organizations need to understand their requirements and the business impediments. While this seems easy on paper, most businesses approach cloud selection with bias. Though the selected cloud tech may work, it may not be the optimal solution. Thus, the organization ends up spending huge while there is a dip in productivity.

The upshot here is the objective. Organizations must ensure that the cloud selection process is purely objective and focused on the problems. This enables you to embrace the best cloud solution for your business.

Also Read: How Can Organizations Make Best Use of Lift and Shift Cloud Migration?

4) Inadequate Resources

Most organizations underestimate the time and money required for cloud migration projects. In the first few projects, an organization is likely to make significant mistakes, and that’s inevitable. A few faults, such as choosing sub-optimal technology or undesired performance issues, can delay the project. So, organizations must consider these aspects while planning the budget and schedule.

5) Uncertainty on Cloud-specific Risks

Organizations migrating to the cloud often fail to assess and identify their exposure to cloud-specific risks. The relevant things to consider are compliance with regulations specific to the industry, business, and location; and modifications required for risk management framework, among others.

Moreover, the cloud brings in new technologies, interfaces, processes, and third-party business relationships. If these aspects are not considered meticulously, it will lead to IT, legal, and cybersecurity risks.

A holistic risk assessment helps take risk-based decisions, upgrade the operating model and modify the risk management framework. In addition, organizations must conduct awareness programs to instill best practices for cloud usage.

Also Read: 5 Common ‘Post Cloud Migration Risks’ That Need Attention!

In Conclusion

Although the mentioned cloud failure reasons may seem unrelated, they are all smoke signals from the same fire: Hasty Cloud Adoption. The stakeholders must keep their ears to the ground and understand their requirements and objectives before initiating the migration. Since time is of the essence, it is wise to consider an external partner, like Veritis, who can help you get the cloud right the first time.

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